Dec, 2017 the sanjian studio model plj6led frequency display has all the features you need, but one. The dynamic range in the 500 mhz range is very small. Solved this problem in the siltronix vfo by removing the aluminum front panel and substituting one made from smoked plex. The frequency counter by default works with auto range to set the range manually use this method. Frequency frequency range 100 khz to 3 ghz 100 khz to 6 ghz 10 mhz to 18 ghz reference frequency aging 1 ppmyear temperature drift 0 c to 30 c 30 c to 50 c 2 ppm in addition 2 ppm10c frequency counter resolution 1 hz frequency span 0 hz, 100 hz to 3 ghz 0 hz, 100 hz to 6 ghz 0 hz, 100 hz to 18 ghz 1145. Diy frequency tester1hz50mhzcrystal counter meterwithhousingkitp1063307.
D to understand, software user manuals are sometimes written from the point of view of a developer rather than a user. Ajanuary 2010 the information in this manual has been checked carefully and is believed to be accurate. Description and parameterization menue settings of plj. Its compact, easy operation, reliable work, mainly for the diy transceiver frequency value displayed can also be used for normal frequency. Weve all been thereyou moved to a new home or apartment, and its time to set up electronics and components. The 1756hsc module counts pulses by using a counter or frequency operational mode.
The requestedrange variable contains the desire d range example. Sanjianstudio plj1601a frequency counter service manual. You can adjust the frequency if you have a frequency standard. Sanjian studio plj6leda led frequency counter cymometer demo. This document describes the construction of small frequency.
While this library is sufficient most of the time, there are situations when it cannot be used. Sep 10, 2016 noticed something unusual about this lcd frequency counter, it seems to be transmitting a low power beacon on 446. The icm7226 is a fully integrated universal counter and led display driver. The plj8ledh rf signal frequency counter meter tester. For questions about willmakers documents and interviews, see also willmaker faqs. The counts are presented as either accumulated count or frequency depending on the mode that is configured for the module. Early rate through december 4 technology is part of a modern fascination wi. This is a brief overview and demonstration video of how t. Unique gate control and precise time algorithm nontimed interrupt. The 8digit frequency counter modules seemed to fit my requirements quite well, and the prices are so low, it is nearly impossible to see how i could make one myself for the same cost.
To find out the frequency of any signal we need to use cro. If pin 4 is pulled high or left floating, then the first if frequency is used. Plj8led frequency counter user operating manual 1 contents. Breathe easier with our openairways guide to better workouts, less coughing and wheezing, and just maybe a longer life. Frequency counter module model plj 8led c 8 digit led frequency counter module model plj 8led c getting the books 8 digit led frequency counter module model plj 8led c now is not type of inspiring means. President madison freq counter page 2 worldwidedx radio forum. Apr 14, 2019 budget frequency counter this project was sort of lastminute. Plj1601c frequency counter english language version by m0xxf 3 p a g e profile product description plj1601c frequency display module is designed for ham design of frequency measurement instruments. Description and parameterization menue settings of plj6led frequency counter dl7maj, dec. Note that figure 2 also shows that the aichannel class is also derived for specialized.
Use a hfsignalgenerator with 50 to 60mhz and adjust trimpot when reducing input voltage. Led versions with eight digits are more common but ive always like the vfds more. This is a brief overview and demonstration video of how to operate the sanjian studio led frequency counter. Sharp provides extensive user support to ensure that you know how to use the products you purchase. Plj6leda led frequency display module manual 35057te. Summary of contents for sanjian studio plj8ledc page 1 34280te 8digit led frequency counter module model plj8ledc user manual v 1. It may also be used for conventional frequency measurement.
Redaq shape slx300 user manual dataforth corporation. Edit lister 3 user manual comprehensive video supply corp. Completing my chinese 8digit frequency counter 8digit led frequency counter module. The plj8ledh rf signal frequency counter meter tester module arrived today with no instructions. Agents should go to the main page of the taobao search engine and search for sanjian studio or plj8led or they can also directly contact the company. Consider migrating to the n5182b mxg xseries for greater performance and realtime or arbitrary waveform simulation capabilities. You could not deserted going bearing in mind books addition or library or borrowing from your friends to approach them. Better workouts, less coughing and wheezing, even a longer life.
Frequency counter module model plj 8led c 8digit led frequency counter module model plj8ledc these fall into three main types. Why the next great technology breakthrough shouldnt need a user manual. Analog input, analog output, digital input, digital output, counter input, and counter output. But the one that i bought it has mb501l which is 1. Microwave frequency counter operating guide this guide describes how to use the agilent 53150a, 53151a, and 53152a microwave frequency counters. Use this online manual answers basic questions about using quicken willmaker plus. Plj8led frequency counter user operating manual 9 product ordering to facilitate the use of test equipment, sanjian studios can supply small quantities for personal purchases. You can choose from either one of three counter modes or one of three frequency modes when configuring the module. User manual of ats909x2 spanish, french, english languages v1. To facilitate the use of test equipment, sanjian studios can supply small.
We have 1 sanjian studio plj8ledc manual available for free pdf download. Plj0802 intelligent frequency meter is a frequency measuring instrument specially designed for embedded applications. Previous poster alerted me to the polarity at the input end but i dont know what the dc input voltage should be for the display. This unit did not come with instructions, so here you are.
Mainly used for diy transceivers to display frequency value, and can also be used for conventional frequency measurement. Completing my chinese 8digit frequency counter page 928. String bstr getrange return the actual range of the frequency counter. Compact io highspeed counter module 5 publication 1769in030benp october 2010 module features the 1769hsc module is a 1 mhz counter encoder input module with 4 onboard 530v dc sourcing outputs designed for highspeed control applications, such as flow control, measuring length, position, speed, frequency, or duration. Description and parameterization menue settings of plj6led frequency counter. User manual sanjian studio plj8ledc user manual pages 8digit led frequency counter module.
Page 7 gate time adjustment system reset plj8led frequency counter user operating manual. Sanjian studio plj8ledc user manual pdf download manualslib. I managed to find a english manual online, with some additional. Sanjian studio plj6leda led frequency counter cymometer. Noticed something unusual about this lcd frequency counter, it seems to be transmitting a low power beacon on 446. Using arduino frequency counter we can easily measure the frequency of various signals.
Often filled with jargon, acronyms, and directions that require a ph. With sharp products in your home or office, you have the assurance of quality and innovation. Main features of this frequency meter are as follows. Specifications are subject to change without notice. The plj6leda module is a costeffective 8digit frequency counter and display module primarily to display the operating frequency in a transceiver and other equipment.
I bought this frequency counter a few years ago just to see if i could really use one from a vendor in hong kong. Tech startups should aspire to foster an intuitive relationship with technology and not get distracted by wiz bang promises. The unit is a plj9vfda and features 9 digits via a vacuum florescent display. Full text of plj 8 led frequency counter manual internet archive. I have been impressed with the plj8led cymometer from sanjian studio. As a result, the guide may make assumptions about th. Publication date 201405 topics frequency counter collection manuals. If you own a ge appliance, its important to have an owners manual to ensure proper maintenance and to answer any questions you may have. Dec 27, 2020 use 8 bit microchip pic16f648a,up to 1. Arduino software i2c user guide the standard i2c library for the arduino is the wire library. The module offers compact, reliable high performance with clear display at low cost. Frequency counter user manual oscillation frequency of a grid dip meter by merely connecting the one turn clip cord. View and download sanjian studio plj8ledc user manual online.
Frequency counter module model plj 8led cpower supplies. It combines a high frequency oscillator, a decade timebase counter, an 8decade data counter and latches, a 7segment decoder, digit multiplexer and segment and digit drivers which can directly drive large led displays. Measurement of tracking the frequency through the oscillator stage, 23 turn coil and coupling it to each turned circuit the oscillations may be produced by the input capacitance and its resonant frequency. General electric ge appliances offers consumer home appliances. The device was in a typical antistatic bag and labled as a sanjian studios plj8led, the pcb silkscreen. Except, when you bought them, you didnt think youd need the user manuals after initially setting them up. Aug 31, 2014 if anyone has more information like a manual on this radio, please let me know.
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