The book of revelation speaks about seven seals that represent different eras in church history. This revelation is crucial in light of everything that is currently occurring. Seven churches of revelation bible study david jeremiah blog. Revelation chapter 2 second continued discover the book of.
What is the main message of the book of revelation. The 7 churches in the book of revelation exist today, in one form or another, because some things never change. It is the final version of the book of revelation that is important for us to understand. The antichrist has been identified and located the book. When people read the book of revelation they encounter this vast array of symbols. In as much as we should pay attention to previous revelation of what scripture says the beast is. Are we living in the end times described in the book of revelation. The opulence and the prominence of the city along with the mention of the seven hills on which it rests, its persecution of christians, and the use of euphemisms such as babylon are generally presented as evidence that rome is the. Prophetically speaking, we are living today on the far side of the valley of the church and quickly moving up the mountain slope towards the coming of the antichrist and the subsequent great day of the lord. The book of revelation describes how we will ultimately reap what we have sown, bringing on ourselves unimaginable human suffering before god intervenes.
You need to understand who is qualified to be a prophet that can correctly disseminate information. I offer that caveat as i give my explanation, which assumes that the apocalypse is a future event and the numbers are literal. This first beast is initially mentioned in revelation 11. Often, we will read the words and interpretations of others.
As things progress in that country, we get closer to when the rapture of the. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant john, 2 who bore witness to the word of god and to the testimony of jesus christ, even to all that he saw. This interpretation is based upon the angels explanation of the beast in revelation 17. The message of hope in the book of revelation seek first. First, we canand shouldhave a good, general idea of where we are in the order of prophesied events. As explained in my book restoring the original bible, the book of revelation was written in two stages. The revelator said, there was war in heaven rev 12. Are given power to prophesy for one thousand two hundred and sixty days or what kirk says is 3 12 years because hes been taught in this verse a day a 24 hour day, when we know using scripture to verify, a prophetical day a year. Does the book of revelation have something to say to us today. Since it is abundantly evident that the book of revelation, in its majority, is concerning the destruction of jerusalem and its temple in 70 adthat means we are currently living in the millennium age of the kingdom of christ which is a spiritual kingdom and not a physical kingdom that is going to be manned by jesus for exactly 1,000 years. In chapters two and three of the book of revelation, theres seven. Of the 404 verses in the book of revelation, seemingly 278 of them make. We must persevere and realize that we are swept up into a cosmic battle that is much larger than our current situation but that reaches us. Until recently, i didnt even know all seven churches were located in modernday turkey.
Revelation is a difficult book to understand and interpret. Aug 02, 2010 the book of revelation describes how we will ultimately reap what we have sown, bringing on ourselves unimaginable human suffering before god intervenes. Are we living in the end times described in the book of. These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges.
After these things i looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands revelation 7. His appearance is described in detail in revelation. These letters act as a gauge to reveal each believers faithfulness. Heaven is opened only twice in the book of revelation. The major sign that we are waiting for is peace in israel. Are the seven seals of the book of revelation unfolding today. Isaiah jeremiah ezekiel daniel hosea joel amos micah nahum zechariah malachi revelation chapters 420. The 144,000 in the book of revelation david jeremiah blog. Pagels also writes about other books of revelation that were.
Ephesus was the fourth largest city of the roman empire in the first century. Mar 20, 2020 now we come to the meaning of revelation 6. The book is also written to all believers everywhere. One key component we now know is that the antichrist will be a follower of islam.
The answer, we are now told, is that the war on earth is merely a continuation of a cosmic war begun in heaven between god and satan 12. Were the seven churches of revelation a prophecy for today. Mar 23, 2020 the revelation 6 plague revelation is a difficult book to understand and interpret. Jul 17, 2020 now we see what kirk is referring too. Aug 16, 2017 the book begins with these words, rev 1. This especially is true when studying one of the most misunderstood books in the worldthe book of revelation. The plague in revelation 6 is part of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
Dec 09, 2019 just as the old testament trials of the nation of israel are a metaphor for the individuals relationship with god, the warnings in the book of revelation speak to every christfollower today. A lot of certified teacherspreachers like to claim to be able to answer this definitively but i dont dare claim to have all of the answers. Today, it is generally believed that the harlot city referred to in the book of revelation is rome. What the book of revelation reveals about the end times. Jun 06, 2020 in as much as we should pay attention to previous revelation of what scripture says the beast is. Therefore, revelation is in our bibles today to help us press on in our walk with christ. Opinion eth there is a great divide in the body of christ on the timing of the end and the tribulation mentioned in the book of revelation.
The book of revelation doesnt mean what you think biblical. Since the antichrist is satan incarnate, pergamos may be where this man of sin first emerges or establishes his power base. Read the accompanying newsletter for september 2007. We hope it can direct you toward scriptural truths about plagues and a study of the book of revelation. Its the elohim god fearing yahudim jews who do not yet recognize that yahushua is the messiah who need to come out of babylon physically and return to israel isa 52. The author names himself as john, but modern scholars consider it unlikely that the author of revelation also wrote the gospel of john. We just need to make sure we have come out of her spiritually lest both our bodies and souls are destroyed in hell revelation 18. Is revelation 6 a prophecy about todays pandemic and other. The majority of the book of revelation relates johns vision of a scroll that is written on both sides and then sealed. One of the main reasons we need to read and study the old testament is so we might have a better knowledge of the new. The first church on the list is the church at ephesus, the city that would have been closest. A disconcerting writing, incomprehensible for many, the last book of the bible seems to be the antithesis of the gospel of a loving god and a.
Most of these revelationfocused prophesiers dont see coronavirus as. The seven churches of revelation the seven churches mentioned in the book of revelation were actual physical churches in the names of the locations john gives, so the letters that john writes to these churches. Revelation and the endtime timeline bible prophecy and truth. Mar 01, 20 the revelations concerning the last days are found throughout the bible but primarily in the following books of the bible. Nov 04, 2015 the book of revelation speaks to many things it enriches our understanding of the lord as the beginning and end who reveals the meaning of human history 5. Some say we are now in the time of great birth pangs and others are even saying that we have now entered the time of the tribulation mentioned in the bible. The rapture of the church can be easily identified as to its location in the book of revelation.
The name of the book, revelation, is a translation of the title in the original new testament greek, apocalypsis the origin of the other name by which the book is now known, the apocalypse. Now, i presume youre asking whether we are at the end of the end times so that we. Aug 11, 2014 we are engaged in a great spiritual war. But even today, if you go to jerusalem and you look at the ruins of that temple. The antichrist has been identified and located the book of. The first seal represents the early church and the seventh s. Jesus himself said, now learn this parable from the fig tree.
The book of revelation tells us about the end, the successful. Sproul discusses how the book of revelation and jesus olivet discourse. In my interpretation, the dragon will prove to be the immediate force behind the plagues. Does the book of revelation predict the present crisis. Apologetics press revelation and the old testament. A friend and i flew to izmir, turkey, where we rented a car and drove to all seven churches in a quick, threeday trip. Have we now entered the tribulation of the book of revelation. The trip of a lifetime landed in my lapvisiting the seven churches of revelation.
Why we need the book of revelation right now and always. Hitchcock said we are not in the end times yet, since the tribulations dont appear until later chapters, the time when hitchcock. And, as we venture further into the storyline of the book of revelation, we will learn that it is because the very means through the nations are redeemed is the faithful, loving, sacrificial. The name revelation comes from the first word of the book in koine greek. Is coronavirus one of the plagues in the book of revelation. This is not the end of the world, say those who study christian. The book of revelation, a prophecy of warning and hope. Satan is described in the revelation as a great red dragon who is enraged at israel and christians. I would say thats where we are in the book of revelation today. Like john, we find it hard to describe what we read in the book of revelation. Listen to chuck swindolls overview of revelation in his audio message from the classic series gods masterwork. Usually you have to read thru a great number of web articles, or watch a lot of youtube videos, or buy several books to get your answer. First, revelation was not only relevant for the firstcentury churches to give them hope to withstand persecution, but also relevant to the church in the 21st century to continue our hope and build our faith in god and the book of revelation.
In addition, the following articles may offer more encouragement for all to remember as we. Now, i presume youre asking whether we are at the end of the end times so that we are coming close to the return of jesus as it was set forth in the book of revelation. But you, daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. It is a conceit of modernity to think that we naturally expect our lives to be lived in security, peace and prosperityand crises like the current. Hitchcock said we are not in the end times yet, since the tribulations dont appear until later. One of the big questions in understanding and interpreting the book of revelation is tied to when it was written. The most mysterious book of the bible is the book of revelation.
The book of daniel is unsealing middle east and prophecy. Where in the book of revelation does the rapture occur. When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. Book of revelation the meaning, the mystery, and more. Revelation is one of the most popular books to discuss among christians. Now that weve examined johns description of christ, lets look at jesus letters to the seven churches in revelation 2 and 3. Satan in the book of revelationand today peaceable. We must also however, pay attention to what the angel that was assigned to john said coz it did interpret some of these things. Therefore, in the prophecy of the book of revelation, we moderns have real, ongoing blessings, warnings, comings, judgments, and interactions of christ with which to be personally involved and concerned rev. Jul 02, 2020 the book of revelation is addressed to believers, his servants, of the churches in seven cities of the roman province of asia. Most of these revelation focused prophesiers dont see coronavirus as. John is addressing people he knows who live in a particular historical and cultural context, and since the work of ramsay and hemer on the seven messages in chapters two and three, we have appreciated that revelation is firmly embedded in its historical and cultural context. Once here, to receive john, and one in rev 19 where jesus and the saints come out of heaven to make war against the nations. Everyone has an opinion on when the famous events of the book of revelation will take place.
May 02, 2020 the book reiterates the fall of satan and the doom he and his angels are bound for. Book of revelation overview insight for living ministries. Jul 17, 2020 the primary genre of the book is of a letter. Signs of the times of the last days amazing bible timeline. End time notes of reference as to where we are now in the book of revelation the lord jesus christ began opening the seals shortly after he went into heaven to sit with his father on the throne. Did god send the coronavirus as a biblical plague from. This is it, said jeff kinley, a writer of books on biblical. In the book of revelation, john says that one of the seven churches, located at pergamos, is in a city where satans seat is see revelation 2. The christ who died and lives forever and ever tells christians to fear not. Listen to this report filed by john in the seventh chapter of revelation. Hence, it is not unusual that we are experiencing a pandemic now. This spiritual war is seen in the persecution of gods people.
Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. The paradoxes in revelation s visions remind us that we walk by faith, not by sight 2. The book of revelation is a sure guide to what is really going on. Is revelation 6 a prophecy about todays pandemic and. Mar 24, 2020 and, as we venture further into the storyline of the book of revelation, we will learn that it is because the very means through the nations are redeemed is the faithful, loving, sacrificial. What if revelation is not about end times, but rather a guide to how we create heaven on earth, right now. We can play pin the tail on the antichrist, and find any number of people. We often gauge how the war is going by the way things look to us today based on headlines about political and economic trends or global crises. This is it, said jeff kinley, a writer of books on biblical prophecy who. Christ gives the best summary of these events and how to prepare for them.
Those churches were in ephesus, smyrna, pergamum, thyatira, sardis, philadephia, and laodicea. Jan 20, 2021 revelation presents the environment its readers lived in and, by implication, the environment that we live in as plague filled. This approaching point along the biblical time line is called the latter days and last days in old testament prophecy and specifically. Mar 11, 2014 end time notes of reference as to where we are now in the book of revelation the lord jesus christ began opening the seals shortly after he went into heaven to sit with his father on the throne. Secondly, revelation is written chronologically covering events from the. He at that time was found worthy to open them and did begin to do so.
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