Review and approve a presentation of minutes of public hearing and. If an item is placed on the consent agenda, that item will be heard with other items on the agenda that appear to be unopposed and have a favorable staff recommendation. Consider approving minutes of the may 9, 2016 meeting. Developmental disabilities committee regular meeting agenda pdf. Butte county planning commission agenda report august 25, 2016 location. The role of planning as a means of implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable. Items may be removed for open discussion by a request from a commission member or member of staff. Staff recommends that the drc consider each of these requests as a. P16va00009 landmark title tr 18294t whitehouse canyon road location. Ilo implementation plan 2030 agenda for sustainable development. December 9, 2016 agenda plan commission wednesday, december 14, 2016, 7. Furthermore, the 2016 international labour conference will also be.
Agenda of policy and planning committee 18 april 2016. Village of sgf planning board agenda draft pdf monthly meeting wednesday october 12th, 2016 commencing at 7. Room 4g2 security entrance on court street and 15th call to order consent agenda items approve june minutes prab committee reports public comments general public comment leslie twarogowski, chair board. Comments on april 14, 2016 planning commission agenda. Butte county planning commission agenda report august 25. Nutrient management plan board agenda january 2021. Whereas, the planning commission has considered proposed code amendment ca16. New urban agenda 21 october 2016 annotated for city and regional planning 31 october 2016. Implementation of the 2030 agenda in the european union ecdpm. Approve july 26, 2016 planning meeting minutes arthur a.
Civic centre council meeting room mair street, benalla members of the community are welcome to attend the meeting and to address the committee on any item on the agenda. The philippine health agenda for 2016 to 2022 esperanza i. Dec 12, 2016 planning and development committee page 1. The strategic planning committee may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item at any time. Oct 21, 2016 new urban agenda 21 october 2016 annotated for city and regional planning 31 october 2016. The project site is located at 5832 pacific heights road, oroville, south of vineyard lane, approximately 3 miles south of the oroville city limits. Special council meeting agenda january 78, 2016 file 1752 2016 page 1 of 1 city of st. Franklin county planning planning commission agenda.
Notices, proclamations and acknowledgements notices 2. Consider approval of a site plan request by randy helmberger, on behalf of pennington partners, ltd. Metropolitan planning commission draft agenda july 14, 2016. Charlottemecklenburg planning commission work session agenda january 4, 2016 noon cmgc conference room 267. The 2030 agenda for sustainable development sustainabledevelopment. Village of sgf planning board agenda draftpdf monthly. Schedule the strategic planning retreat will be held on january from friday, 2. Sep 08, 2016 agenda city of lucas planning and zoning commission august 11, 2016 7. Butte county planning commission agenda report may 26, 2016. Diversity and inclusion strategic plan 201619, december 2016.
The purpose of this memorandum is to help you prepare for the retreat and to share the agenda. The g20 has endorsed the inclusive business report for the 2016 summit. The g20 will continue facilitating learning, dialogue and exchanges of experiences and. Planning and zoning commissionagenda agenda and minutes. The planning commissioners will adjourn to the field at 1. Microsoft word chapter1prepare agenda for initial sp meeting. Sep 07, 2016 planning and zoning agenda request 14, 2016. Napa county planning commission board agenda letter. Planning committee guidance on conduct of business for planning applications, enforcement cases and other planning proposals 1. Proposal by the city of charlotte to use two cityowned parcels located. Dec 15, 2016 stanislaus county planning commission agenda december 15, 2016 page 2 iv. Improving health results quarter one march to june 2016 commence delivering radiation oncology services for the first time on the northwest, backed by a new northern cancer service.
Only items on agenda planning commission of alameda. Adopt the mitigation measures, mitigation monitoring program. Sue morman, senior planner, planning division artemio hoyos, case planner, planning division greg saxe, environmental planning manager, regional flood control district. Agenda, planning board meeting on december 15, 2016 page 2 b. Public hearing for consideration of a concept plan proposal lur201600070 to redevelop the site at 1600 broadway, an approximately 0. Meeting agenda item attachments rapid city south dakota. Adopt the statement of overriding considerations setting forth the reasons and benefits of adopting the eir with full knowledge that signi ficant impacts may occur. Jun 16, 2016 the agenda is divided into two sections.
Government center planning work group regular meeting agenda pdf. Planning commission after 72 hours meeting agenda pdf. Expected financial results and rough plan for next year cfo what learnings and implications are relevant for next year team group why exercise team agenda and date for next session longterm vision. Sep 03, 2016 agenda city of lucas planning and zoning commission march 10, 2016 7. Amendment of the butte county code, chapter 20, section 203. Consider the request by robert kubicek for a zoning change request from r2 to c, commercial business for a parcel of land located at 2205 estates parkway, situated in the jas m snider survey, abstract a0824 tract 34, being all of 2. Snider survey, abstract 821 otherwise known as lot 1 and 2, block a of the angel. Boards first diversity and inclusion strategic plan 2016 19. Stuart kean world vision international presentation. Planning and building approvals may 2016 e584 joel ingham planning coordinator nilesh singh manager development purpose of report the report details planning permit applications and building approvals for the month of may 2016. June 29, 2016 bos meeting none at this time upcoming board of supervisors agenda items and designation of member to represent commission at board of supervisors. Plc meeting agenda opening and call to order start the meeting on time with a simple opening ceremony such as reciting the scout oath or pledge of allegiance. Nutrient management plan board public questions october 2016.
The municipal planning board mpb is an advisory board to city council comprised of citizen members who voluntarily and. Approval of the master plan revision, amendment the of the 20162017 capital outlay program, and schematic plans presentation by elvyra f. A quorum of the village board may be in attendance, but no board action will be taken at this meeting. Sep 01, 2016 planning and zoning agenda request january 14, 2016 agenda item. Discussion of correspondence received by planning commission. Methodological guide on planning for the implementation. Agenda middleton planning and zoning commission date. Application from caryl ann morgan rev trust to reduce the required lakeshore setback from 75 feet to 25 feet for an addition to an existing deck on the. These are items on this agenda designated by an asterisk next to the item number, requiring a planning commission public hearing but which, following an initial evaluation by staff, have been found to be consistent with existing county policy and the county general plan and. Planning directors report ed mckinney zoning ordinance update planning departments public outreach presentations attachment 2. The plan enhances our ongoing initiatives and actions and provides a more comprehensive, integrated, and strategic focus on diversity and inclusion to enable our organization to establish and sustain a.
Hoskings ranch will not be heard at this hearing august 3, 2016 bos meeting none at this time. Download agenda jan 27, 2021 amended jan 25, 2021 6. Technical planning committee agenda southeast metropolitan. December 9, 2016 agenda plan commission wednesday, december. Toms river township planning board meeting agenda 1621. Presented at the health for juan and juana, the philippine health agenda for 2016 and beyond. Jul 14, 2016 metropolitan planning commission draft agenda july 14, 2016 4. Forum held on may 4, 2016 at the fuller auditorium. The 2030 agenda for sustainable development recognises this. View a printerfriendly pdf version requires adobe reader. Comparing president trumps record to his 2016 agenda. Committee reports executive committee tony lathrop september 21, 2015 approved minutes attachment 4 future work session agenda items. P agriculture, and residential general plan designations.
Release the healthy tasmania fiveyear strategic plan to help make tasmania the healthiest state in australia by 2025. The officers present the report and recommendations and answer points raised by members of the committee. The commission will vote on all of the items at one time. The reports are taken in the order of business on the agenda. Roll call and reading of the log ask the troop scribe to call the roll and read the log from the previous meeting. Notice is hereby given that a city of lucas planning and zoningmeeting will be held on thursday, february 11, 2016 at 7. Charlene gallina for david morrison director planning, building and environmental services report by. Better policies for 2030 an oecd action plan on the sustainable. Opheim for a front yard setback variance to reduce the required setback from 35 feet to 12. Folder capital improvement plan agenda item attachments. The strategic planning committee may combine two or more agenda items for consideration. G20 action plan on the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
Agenda hivsensitive care force planning for children february 12 2016 page 5 of 12 time agenda item paper underlined names will be in attendance at the meeting 10. Administration tony lathrop approval of planning commission minutes. Jun 15, 2016 agenda planning and development committee 15 june 2016 benalla rural city council 1. Only items on agenda planning commission of alameda county. Nov 15, 2016 agenda item 1 november 1516, 2016 page 1 of 5 committee on campus planning, buildings and grounds california state university, monterey bay student union project. United nations conference on housing and sustainable urban. Dewey avenue 1 call to order pledge of allegiance 2 roll call 3 new business. Consent agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Documents to be considered as evidence and owerp point presentations from the public shall be filed with the secretary of the planning commission no later than the close of. Policy and planning committee agenda 18 april 2016 minutes of the policy and planning committee meeting 2103 2016 cr g reynolds moved that 1. Planning commission meeting agenda june 27, 2016 7. The city of salisbury communications plan bringing the living city to life, forming attachment 1 to this report policy and. Mar 09, 2016 planning commission agenda march 9, 2016 page 3 deferral withdrawal.
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